Channel: Christian Coalition of America - contraception
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Obama Declares War on Pro-Lifers in Conscience Battle

Now that the battle over Komen and Planned Parenthood is dying down, pro-life advocates are turning their attention to renewing their fight against the new mandate pro-abortion President Barack Obama...

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Obama announces change in birth control coverage rule after outcry

President Obama on Friday backed off a plan requiring religious organizations to provide free contraceptive coverage, shifting the responsibility to insurers in a move he claimed would preserve...

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Religious leaders: Obama violates basic rights by requiring contraceptive...

Religious leaders told a House panel Thursday the Obama administration was violating basic rights to religious freedom with its policies for requiring that employees of religion-affiliated institutions...

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Small religious colleges mount legal challenge to contraceptive mandate

President Obama's "accommodation" to religious organizations earlier this month on the contraceptive coverage mandate has not quelled the furor as at least a half-dozen groups, primarily small,...

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Poll shows sharp division on Obama contraception order

Americans are almost evenly divided on the Obama administration’s decision to require private employers to provide free birth control with health insurance plans, and a majority wants the “Obamacare”...

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7 states sue to block contraception mandate

Lincoln, Neb. – Seven states filed a lawsuit Thursday to block the federal government's requirement that religious organizations offer health insurance coverage that includes free access to...

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Senate Defeats Blunt Amendment to Stop Obama HHS Mandate

The Senate voted today against an amendment to restore the religious liberty protections for employers who don’t want to be forced to pay for birth control or drugs that may cause abortions in their...

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Catholic Bishops Take on Obama

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has taken a bold stand for religious freedom. In a recent statement, titled “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty,” the bishops call for repeal of...

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Catholic organizations across the country file suit against contraception...

Some of the most influential Catholic institutions in the country filed suit against the Obama administration Monday over the so-called contraception mandate, in one of the biggest coordinated legal...

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Religious schools claim 'major victory' after ruling on contraception mandate

Two religious-affiliated colleges claimed a "major victory" Tuesday after a federal appeals court ordered the Obama administration to verify that it is revising the so-called contraception mandate in...

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